Top 2 products for Hong


Frozen Dried Persimmon Fruit

Frozen Dried Persimmon Fruit

The "Frozen Dried Persimmon Fruit" is a great option for those interested in Hong. As a key ingredient in many Asian dishes like Persimmon cake, its sweet, honey-like flavor adds a unique touch. Buying it frozen offers the convenience of having it on-hand, ready for use. Additionally, as a rich source of vitamins A and C, it supports immune health. Perfect for those who appreciate Hong's gastronomic culture and are health-conscious. Keywords: Hong, Asian dishes, Persimmon, Frozen convenience, Health benefits.

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Fuyu Persimmon 2 lb

Fuyu Persimmon 2 lb

If you're seeking Hong-inspired cuisine, Fuyu Persimmons are a fit. Native to Asia, they're sweet, slightly spicy fruit used in various dishes like persimmon pudding or roasted with veggies. A nutritious choice, packed with vitamins A, C and fiber. If frozen, there is the added convenience of longevity and immediate use. Ideal for those tracking Hong culinary delights.

$10.49 - $12.99
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