Buy melon online

Buy melon online

Delve into the world of succulent melons, a popular fruit consumed globally and renowned for its refreshing taste. Melon holds a deep cultural significance in regions across the world, celebrated for both its nutritious benefits and versatility in culinary applications.

Top 5 products for Melon


Cantaloupe 1ct

Cantaloupe 1ct

"Cantaloupe 1ct" perfectly serves those desiring a "Melon" in their grocery list. A notable ingredient in Asian cuisines, it imparts a sweet and refreshing taste to salads and desserts. Being a rich source of Vitamin A and C, it adds a healthy punch to your meals. No occurrence of "frozen", hence, doesn't demand special handling.

$2.38 - $4.99
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Honeydew Melon 1 count

Honeydew Melon 1 count

This honeydew brings a refreshing sweet taste, ideal for enhancing the flavor of Asian dishes like fruit salads and desserts. Being a healthy choice, it's packed with essential vitamins and minerals; it aids in digestion and boosts immunity. With the convenience of online purchase, this is a perfect choice for melon enthusiasts.

$2.49 - $6.99
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Golden Hami Melon 1 each

Golden Hami Melon 1 each

The Golden Hami Melon is an Asian variety known for its vibrant flavor, exhibiting a sweet and crisp profile with a juicy texture. It's a salient inclusion in many Asian cuisines, particularly in salads, desserts, and beverages. This refreshing melon isn't just a treat to the palate, it also contributes to a healthy diet due to its rich vitamin content, making it an attractive pick for health-conscious individuals. Even better, keeping it on your online grocery list ensures you have fresh, flavorful melon on-hand for an array of culinary creations.

$3.99 - $9.99
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Korean Melon 1 Box 10 lb

Korean Melon 1 Box 10 lb

The Korean Melon 10lb box is ideal for anyone seeking a juicy and nutritious snack. This Asian fruit, often noted for its crisp texture and sweet, slightly tangy flavor, can be used in different Asian dishes like fruit salads or as traditional Korean side-dishes. It's packed with vitamins, especially vitamin C, promoting good health. Its convenience in a bulk box caters to frequent melon consumers.

$19.88 - $25.99
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MAG Melon 1 count

MAG Melon 1 count

The MAG Melon offers delightful sweetness and juiciness, ideal for refreshing snacks or desserts. Its quality assurance makes it a top pick among online grocery shoppers. Both healthy and delicious, it can be utilized to make Asian dishes like fruit salsas or honeydew boba drink. Enjoy year-round summer taste with this scrumptious melon.

Popular recipes

Melon Salad

This refreshing salad combines the sweetness of melon with the tangy flavors of Asian cuisine. It's the perfect cold side dish for a hot summer day.

Melon Curry

This aromatic curry features tender chunks of melon in a flavorful Asian-inspired sauce. The combination of spices and melon creates a unique and delicious dish.

Melon Soup

Warm up with a bowl of creamy melon soup. This comforting soup features the delicate flavors of melon with the richness of Asian spices. It's a delightful starter or light meal option.

Melon near me

Buy your favorite melon online with free delivery. Weee! has nation wide free shipping options with low minimums. Order melon near you and enjoy on-demand, contactless free delivery. Our asian market has no markups and prices are most often cheaper than retail stores. Thousands of families rely on Weee! to get fresh food ingredients to their home for cooking dinner. Find the biggest nearby selection of Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, Filipino, or Indian food.

Frequently asked questions

What is a melon?

A melon is a fruit that belongs to the cucurbitaceae family. It is typically round or oblong in shape, with a thick rind and juicy flesh.

How do you select a ripe melon?

To select a ripe melon, look for ones that feel heavy for their size, have a pleasant aroma, and have a slightly yielding skin when pressed gently.

Can melons be frozen?

Yes, melons can be frozen. However, their texture may change after thawing, so it is best to use frozen melons in smoothies or cooked dishes.

Are melons nutritious?

Yes, melons are nutritious. They are low in calories, high in vitamins A and C, and a good source of hydration and dietary fiber.

Are there any health benefits associated with eating melons?

Yes, eating melons can provide various health benefits such as improved digestion, hydration, and antioxidant properties.

Are melons safe for pets to consume?

While some melons can be safe for pets to consume in moderation, it is best to consult a veterinarian before feeding melons to pets.

Can the seeds of melons be eaten?

Yes, the seeds of some melons, like watermelon, can be eaten. However, others may have seeds that are too tough or bitter, so it is best to remove them.

Can melon be used in desserts?

Yes, melons can be used in a variety of desserts like fruit salads, sorbets, and even as a topping for cakes or pies.

Where can I buy melon?

You can buy it at Weee! Asian Market,

What are the common types of melons?

Common types of melons include watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, and muskmelon.

How should melons be stored?

Whole melons should be stored at room temperature until ripe and then refrigerated. Cut melons should be refrigerated in an airtight container.

Are melons good for hydration?

Yes, melons are a hydrating fruit as they have high water content. They can help quench thirst and replenish fluids in the body.

Can melons be eaten by people with allergies?

While melons are generally safe to eat, some people may have allergies to melons. It is best to consult a doctor if you have known allergies.

Can melons be used in savory dishes?

Yes, melons can be used in savory dishes. They add a refreshing and sweet element to salads, salsas, and grilled dishes.

What is the best way to cut a melon?

To cut a melon, first, wash and dry it. Then, cut off both ends, stand it up, and use a sharp knife to slice off the rind in downward motions. Finally, cut the melon into desired shapes or slices.

How can you tell if a watermelon is ripe?

To tell if a watermelon is ripe, look for a dull, matte appearance, a deep yellow or orange spot on the bottom, and a hollow sound when tapped.

Are melons a good source of antioxidants?

Yes, melons contain antioxidants like beta-carotene and vitamin C, which can help protect the body against cell damage caused by free radicals.