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Chinese Crispy Pie (AKA Wife Cake)


As winter is slowly approaching, crispy and warm baked treats have been getting more popular

...which is why this week's featured product is Crispy "Wife" Cakes!

It's very easy to prepare and it tastes fabulous

It's so popular that this brand makes it with 4 different fillings!

Let's check out this sweet together, shall we? 💗



Trust me on this, this is the ULTIMATE wife cake to purchase on Weee! 😋



I haven't heard of this brand until I received a sample of these to try in the office

After my first bite, my eyes naturally glanced over at the sample table again, eyeing the table to see if there's any more left

Yes, you will want another one after just ONE bite of your first cake



Crispy, toasty, and warm

These are the IDEAL Chinese treats you want in your home for Thanksgiving and Christmas

It's not too sweet and pairs PERFECTLY with your favorite tea



I also HIGHLY recommend the red bean crispy cake!

I've added the durian flavor to my cart as well

I'll let you know how it tastes in my next blog!