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MTR 라삼 파우더 3.5 온스

신선도 보장

상세 설명

원산지:인도단위량:3.5 온스상표:Mtr
알레르기 유발성분:
교차반응 우려성분 밀(글루텐).


Flavors and magic recipes passed from one generation to another, MTR Rasam Powder is a classic South Indian Rasam Soup masala that is finely blended. It is full of flavors and a melange of spicy and sour taste with a dab of tang. It can also be served with rice as a curry. Simply add the packet powder in hot boiling water and it will be ready in just 5 minutes. Serve hot! To elevate its taste, garnish it with finely cut corianders.

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