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Snow Ring Jasmine Green Tea 1 캔

상세 설명

원산지:중국 대륙단위량:1 캔상표:Tenfu's Tea


Jasmine green Tea is made by commingling green tea with fragrant jasmine blossoms. The scenting of the tea is a unique process that takes several days, resulting in an exquisite cup of jasmine tea. Jasmine blossoms are picked in misty twilight when they are the most fragrant, and blended with green tea leaves. Tea leaves are hand rolled into ring shape to preserve freshness and aroma. The ring shaped leaves will then open to release their delightful jasmine aroma after they are brewed. The unique shape and aroma of the tea make it a perfect gift for friends and family.

Rich and long-lasting jasmine fragrance

Bright pale yellow 

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