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李時珍 蘄艾 (尚)10pc 10 个



産地:中國大陸單位數量:10 个


\n\n天然陳艾, 古方製作\n\n‘本草從新“記載:艾葉苦辛,生溫,熟熱,純陽之性,能回垂絕之陽,通十二經,走三陰,理氣血,逐寒溼,暖子宮,...以之灸火,能透諸經而除百病,”\n\n民間諺語:家有三年艾,不求郎中來。“\n\n
  • Five Chen Pure Moxa Rolls, ShangPin Moxa Rolls for Moxibustion.
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  • size: 18mm x 200mm x 10pc
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  • The higher purity moxa rolls are easy to light, because they contain less impurities.
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  • The fire is gentle with uniform heat can warm the acupuncture point and the strong penetrating could make feel relaxed.
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  • Traditional moxibustion bar for heat forment,Use moxa rolls to warm the meridians, increase circulation, boost immunity.
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  • With our moxa rolls, you can make the moxibustion at home easily to improve chronic diseases, such as arthritis, rheumatism and so on.
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  • Best Ai Product for Moxibustion from China
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  • 味道清淡不嗆不刺鼻, 滲透力極大, 效果非常好 The smell of Qiai is light and not blow your nose, it has a great penetrating power, and the effect is very good.
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  • They are never expired.They are just like the wine, the more longer time, the better.
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