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蘭州佛慈 十全大補 丸200 粒 200 个



産地:中國大陸單位數量:200 个


蘭卅佛慈 十全大補丸 Shi Quan Da Bu Wan 200 Pills\n\n【主要成份】 黨蔘、白朮(炒)、茯苓、甘草(蜜炙)、當歸、白芍(酒炒)、川芎、熟地黃、黃芪(蜜炙)、肉桂。\n\n【性 狀】 本品爲深棕色的濃縮丸;味甘而微辛。\n\n【適應症/功能主治】 溫補氣血。用於氣血兩虛,面色蒼白,氣短心悸,頭暈自汗,四肢不溫。\n\n【規格型號】 200s\n\n【用法用量】 口服,一次8-10丸,一日3次。\n\n【不良反應】 尚不明確。\n\n【禁 忌】 孕婦忌用。身體壯實不虛者忌服。\n\n【注意事項】 1.忌食生冷、油膩食物。 2.外感風寒、風熱,實熱內盛者不宜服用。 3.不宜和感冒類藥同時服用。 4.服本藥時不宜同時服用藜蘆、赤石脂或其製劑。 5.本品中有肉桂,屬溫熱藥,因此有實熱者忌用。 6.本品宜飯前服用或進食同時服。 7.按照用法用量服用,小兒應在醫師指導下服用。 8.服藥期間出現口乾,便幹,舌紅,苔黃等症應去醫院就診。 9.對本品過敏者禁用,過敏體質者慎用。 10.本品性狀發生改變時禁止使用。 11.兒童必須在成人監護下使用。 12.請將本品放在兒童不能接觸的地方。 13.如正在使用其他藥品,使用本品前請諮詢醫師或藥師。\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\nShi Quan Da Bu Wan - Herbal Supplement\n\nShi Quan Da Bu Wan is a trusted herbal supplement that supports the health of your lungs, heart, blood, circulatory system and inner ear. It also promotes overall energy and health.\n\nBenefits\n\nShi Quan Da Bu Wan contains codonopsis root. This is a sweet and chewy root that has long been known in China to work to relax the body. This herb is thought to lessen both mental and physical fatigue. For some users, it also will aid with digestion and the production of healthy red blood cells. It also has been shown to help with boosting the strength of the immune system, and is thought to have a positive impact on the digestive and respiratory systems.\n\nThis product also contains white peony root, which is believed to support the health of the liver, stomach, spleen and heart. Some women have found it to be useful to support the menstruation cycle.\n\nIngredients\n\nShi Quan Da Bu Wan contains:\n\nCodonopsis Root, Polyporus Sclerotium, Atractylodes Rhizome, Astragalus Root, Prepared Rehmannia Root, Dong-quai Root, White Peony Root Without Bark, Sichuan Lovage Rhizome, Cinnamon Bark, Chinese Licorice Root and Rhizome, and Starch.\n\nHow to Use\n\nWe recommend that you take 10 pills, three times per day.\n\nRelated articles\n\n\nProduct of\nChina\n
Warnings\nNot to be used during pregnancy or while nursing.\nNot for long term use or in excess of recommended amounts except under supervision of a qualified health practitioner.\nNot recommended in cases of diabetes, hypertension, liver disorders, severe kidney insufficiency, diarrhea, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, headache, frequent copious urination or hypokalemia; and may potentiate potassium depletion of thiazide diuretics and stimulant laxatives, as well as the action of cardiac glycosides, and cortisol.\nUse with caution in cases of abdominal distention.
