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孫真人 麥味地黃丸 200 粒 200 个



産地:中國大陸單位數量:200 个


\n本品主要成份爲熟地黃、山茱萸(制)、山藥、茯苓、牡丹皮、澤瀉、麥冬、五味子。\n\n滋腎養肺。用於肺腎陰虧,潮熱盜汗,咽乾,眩暈耳鳴,腰膝痠軟。 \n\nNourishes the kidneys and nourishes the lungs. Used for deficiency of lung and kidney yin, hot flashes and night sweats, dry throat, dizziness and tinnitus, and weak waist and knees.\n\n【適應症/功能主治】 滋腎養肺。用於肺腎陰虧,潮熱盜汗,咽乾,眩暈耳鳴,腰膝痠軟。\n\n【用法用量】 口服,一次8丸,一日3次。\n\n【不良反應】 尚不明確。\n\n【禁 忌】 尚不明確。\n\n【注意事項】 1.忌不易消化食物。 2.感冒發熱病人不宜服用。 3.有高血壓、心臟病、肝病、糖尿病、腎病等慢性病嚴重者應在醫師指導下服用。 4.兒童、孕婦、哺乳期婦女應在醫師指導下服用。 5.服藥4周症狀無緩解,應去醫院就診。 6.對本品過敏者禁用,過敏體質者慎用。 7.本品性狀發生改變時禁止使用。 8.兒童必須在成人監護下使用。 9.請將本品放在兒童不能接觸的地方。 10.如正在使用其他藥品,使用本品前請諮詢醫師或藥師。\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
\n\nMai Wei Di Huang Wan is a trusted herbal supplement in Asia that supports the health of the following systems of the body:\n
  • Lungs
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  • Kidneys
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  • Liver
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  • Inner ear
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  • Mouth
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  • Male reproductive system
  • \n
\nBenefits\n\nThis product contains an herb called rehmannia root. According to some herbalists in China, this herb is helps to keep the liver in proper balance with the body. It is thought to promote healthy liver function. Our liver is responsible for removing hormones and drugs from the body, so if the liver has too many toxins, it may cause health problems.\n\nIngredients\n\nMai Wei Di Huang Wan contains:\n\nPrepared Rehmannia Root, Asiatic Dogwood Ripe Fleshy Fruit, Tree Peony Bark, Chinese Yam Rhizome, Poria Sclerotium, Asian Water Plantain Tuber, Dwarf-lilyturf Root Tuber, Schisandra Fruit, and Starch.\n\nHow to Use\nWe recommend that you take eight pills, three times per day.\n\nProduct of\nChina\n
Warnings\nNot to be used during pregnancy.\nNot recommended for long term use or in excess of recommended amounts, for use in cases of diarrhea, indigestion, painful or difficult urination, frequent copious urination, or excessive menstruation, or in early stages or coughs or rashes.\nMake sure you understand the actions of this product before taking it.\nIf you have severe kidney problems or disease, seek the advice of a doctor, acupuncturist, or health practitioner before taking this product.\n
