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同仁堂 藿香 正氣 丸 48 粒 48 个



産地:中國大陸單位數量:48 个


藿香正氣片產品詳情 [功能與主治] 中醫認爲,我們的身體很容易受到風寒溼外邪的侵襲。外邪首先侵襲體表肌膚。當外邪入侵呼吸道時,人體會出現發熱,咳嗽, 頭痛等症狀;而當外邪入侵消化道時,人體就會出現嘔吐和腹瀉等腸胃不適症狀。現代醫學來講,外邪屬於致病細菌 和病毒(如感冒病毒,輪狀病毒和大腸桿菌)。 在炎熱和潮溼的天氣中,細菌和病毒很容易生長和傳播。食品更容易受到污染並變質。夏季白天和夜晚溫差比較大, 人們又喜歡待在空調房間中,喝很多冷水和不蓋被睡覺。這些因素可能使人們更容易受到風寒溼邪的襲擊,因而得夏季感冒,腸胃炎或中暑。 夏 季感冒最先出現一些像普通感冒的症狀,如發冷,發燒,頭痛,咳嗽,流鼻涕。此外, 夏季感冒常有腸胃不適症狀:噁心,嘔吐,腹瀉,腹痛,食慾不振,腹脹。如 以腹瀉等 胃腸道症狀爲主的疾病常被稱爲胃腸感冒,即爲腸胃炎。如果非常明確是由於長期暴露於高溫,潮溼環境造成的,這樣通常稱爲中暑。 藿香 正氣丸/片是治療夏季風寒溼邪所引起的夏季感冒、胃腸炎等疾病的首選方藥。它的主要功效是解表化溼,理氣和中。 治療範圍較廣泛,既可治療夏秋的各種感冒及 胃腸炎等,亦可用於中暑而引起的胃腸不適。 身邊常備藿香正氣丸,炎熱的夏季居家、出行都有了貼心的保障。它是夏季常備解暑良藥。 中國藥典記載藿香正氣丸能解表化溼,理氣和中。適用於既有外感風寒邪又有內傷溼滯,證見惡寒發熱, 頭痛,胸悶,腹脹,噁心,嘔吐,厭食,腸鳴腹瀉,口淡無味,苔白滑膩等。 [組成成分] 藿香、白芷、茯苓、大腹皮、半夏、甘草、紫蘇葉、陳皮、厚朴、白朮、桔梗、大棗、生薑。 [性狀] 氣芳香,味甘、微苦。 
 [注意事項] 1.飲食宜清淡。
7.藥品性狀發生改變時禁止服用。 8.兒童必須在成人的監護下使用。 
[組成成分] 藿香、白芷、茯苓、大腹皮、半夏、甘草、紫蘇葉、陳皮、厚朴、白朮、桔梗、大棗、生薑。 [性狀] 氣芳香,味甘、微苦。
A great natural alternative to restoring alertness when experiencing fatigue.
This multi-purpose supplement also supports the health of the nervous, immune and gastrointestinal systems while helping you reduce flatulence.
Support Gastrointestinal Comfort Summertime evokes care-free scenes of spending time outdoors, enjoying barbecues and family get together. But it’s not all fun under the sun when the weather gets hot and humid. Because of the heat and humidity, you can feel nauseous and lightheaded. Also, food is more likely to spoil when it’s hot outside. And it’s not just the extreme heat that can strike you down; the cold of artificial air cooling can penetrate your skin, especially if you‘re sleeping without a shirt on and kicking off the covers. Drinking ice-cold beverages to quench your thirst can also cause unpleasant symptoms. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, external factors, including weather change (both natural and man-made) and wrong food, can invade the body's exterior, causing common digestive upsets such as food stagnation, belly cramping, loose stools, an urge to throw up or bloating. Such discomforts are attributed in TCM terms to Dampness. Support Gastrointestinal Comfort†
A great natural alternative to restoring alertness when experiencing fatigue.
This multi-purpose supplement also supports the health of the nervous, immune and gastrointestinal systems while helping you reduce flatulence.
8 Pills x 6 Sachets / Pack
8 pills per time, 3 times per day
